Leave Maze a testimonial

Lights, Camera, Compost: Get a $30 voucher for EVERY eligible video submission
PLUS you go into the draw to win a $300 weekly voucher. Create a video showing how you use, benefit from, or what you love about your favourite Maze Composting Product. Include the following criteria.
Criteria + What you could mention:
- For your submission to qualify, the video must have good lighting, clear audio, proper framing and show clearly what composting product you love or how you use your Maze product in your garden/around your home. Tips - Well-lit and audible, shoot far enough away from the screen but not too far.
- Consider filming your video first and then adding voice over later.
- What Maze Product do you currently use?
- How long have you been using your Maze Product?
- Why did you choose Maze Products?
- What do you love most about your Maze Product?
- Share your experiences and the advantages you've gained.
- We reserve the right to approve content at our discretion**